On SJQ Winter Appeal Letters and Holy Days of Grace Dear Friends, Quakers practice, nestle into contemplation, and experience grace in all seasons. Every day is a Gift that brings Favor. As winter descends and a world quiets under its embrace, we are called to reflect in gratitude and action. This season of giving offers […]
Category: Balance,
To be able to give thanks to God is to be able to have love of the world.
Thanking would lose meaning if we thanked for everything.Thanking another person involves a value judgement: there mustbe something worthy of thanks…. When the believer thanksGod for his creation, it seems to be a thanksgiving for his life asa whole, for everything, including the good and evil withinhis life, since despite such evil, thanking God is […]
On Norman Morrison’s B’earthday
Fire of the Heart: Norman Morrison’s Legacy in Viet Nam and at Home By Anne Morrison Welsh “Fire of the Heart: Norman Morrison’s Legacy in Vietnam and at Home” is available as a Pendle Hill Pamphlet #381 (2005) Resources: On the next 1st Day. On Any Day. On the Sabbath. On Norman Morrison, or Aaron […]
Return to the Q: How does Truth favored friendship?
In a modern world, where news flashes connect us to concerns/events on any corner of the globe we feel innate relation between revelation and truth across different spiritual traditions. Friends’ coined a new phrase for how this impacts our Meetings. We have underdeveloped ‘NPR messages’. An NPR message reflects whatever we listened to instead of […]
Celebrating Bayard Rustin and the 60 year Anniversary of Freedom Summer
“Bayard Rustin’s Quaker faith was the cornerstone of his activism in the Civil Rights Movement. As we mark the 60th anniversary of the 1964 Freedom Summer, we honor the lasting impact of his commitment to nonviolence, equality, and strategic action.”
The Dark side of thee Light
Irreverent Bad Quaker humor is similar to Quaker Oats…. It has Simplicity, Community, and Sustainability baked into and rolled into the recipe; andd, is disintegrates under a strong heat or if letting it soak in too long. Good F/friendly satire and wit (like Quaker Oats) is pretty dry and even mealy (perhaps from olden days?). […]