Category: Interfaith Universalism,

Echoes of Simplicity: Feminism and Equality

Echoes of Simplicity: Feminism and Equality

Echoes of Simplicity: Feminism and Equality: Margaret Fell to Modernity In the beginning, simplicity was a blade, cutting through the falsehoods of a world drenched in stenches of power. It was a time of George Fox, the prophet of the Inner Light, who roamed by sea and land, calling out to the souls of people. […]

To be able to give thanks to God is to be able to have love of the world.

To be able to give thanks to God is to be able to have love of the world.

Thanking would lose meaning if we thanked for everything.Thanking another person involves a value judgement: there mustbe something worthy of thanks…. When the believer thanksGod for his creation, it seems to be a thanksgiving for his life asa whole, for everything, including the good and evil withinhis life, since despite such evil, thanking God is […]

“Friends of Lenape Everywhere” – A Presentation by RuthAnn Purchase James

“Friends of Lenape Everywhere” – A Presentation by RuthAnn Purchase James

The South Jersey Quakers would like to help promote and get F/freinds to join us at the Greate Egg Harbour Township Historical Society October 21st. We are excited to announce a special cultural event that delves into the rich history and legacy of the Lenape Native Americans. Join us for: Friends of Lenape EverywherePresented by […]

What will you do to Celebrate World Quaker Day on October 6? Join FWCC global worship

What will you do to Celebrate World Quaker Day on October 6? Join FWCC global worship

We are inviting Friends to read and share the epistle and the tapestry from the World Plenary with your local Friends community. You may also visit a Quaker meeting or church that is different from yours and read and discuss the epistle, and/or the tapestry document with that community. If you need help finding a […]

Celebrating Bayard Rustin and the 60 year Anniversary of Freedom Summer

Celebrating Bayard Rustin and the 60 year Anniversary of Freedom Summer

“Bayard Rustin’s Quaker faith was the cornerstone of his activism in the Civil Rights Movement. As we mark the 60th anniversary of the 1964 Freedom Summer, we honor the lasting impact of his commitment to nonviolence, equality, and strategic action.”

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