The Dark side of thee Light

Irreverent Bad Quaker humor is similar to Quaker Oats…. It has Simplicity, Community, and Sustainability baked into and rolled into the recipe; andd, is disintegrates under a strong heat or if letting it soak in too long.

Good F/friendly satire and wit (like Quaker Oats) is pretty dry and even mealy (perhaps from olden days?). NOT particularly very common originally we now see its origins as a vital source of whiteness. it can be located in perception, history, or public belief as something really Quaker.

This and other Satirical vignettes you can find in our new but as yet unapproved: simple; measured; but not for all ages (because anyone under 50 likely won’t get it! Made for Friends; playful in the ‘as-yet-still-satirical’ Dark side of the Light found in hushed Quaker corners among F/friends,

So, moving off of the pejoratively ongoing concerns of Oats and Motor Oils…. we move on this turn to…. Big Things. Time and Space.

You know, it’s always nice to start a meeting with a little centering silence… 

Unless you’re on Zoom. 

Then silence means someone is either being muted 

or panicking because they forgot to turn their camera off while.

But just like many other animals many of us LIKE to be voyeured on while eating lunch.

But let’s talk numbers. Big ones, small ones, infinite ones! Quakers love silence, but we’re also into counting things: testimonies, queries, those ever-dwindling committee memberships. 

You know. That’s great.

But, what’s great about f/Friendly numbers? They’re mystical. 

Numbers are everywhere and nowhere—kind of like the Spirit, 

Or a clerk’s reply to inter RUPTURE!!.

Take zero. 

It’s nothing, but it’s also everything. 

Without zero, the MULTIuniverse ACTUALLY collapses into chaos.


Because in the beginning was the word. And Word don’t do ZERO

Won’t and Don’t ever. Kind of like Evil. Evil is the only Zero on planet earth. No doubt.

Now, In the beginning was the Word. And… it was definite in the positive. Thee numerator.

The Nukerator. 

That is the word is THE beginning ANNNNND the End. 

Alpha Omega!! 

 Zero is like the invisible Friend in the meeting room holding all the rest of us together. 

However, physics teaches us that Empty SPACE IS WITHOUT THE WORDS

It is pre-judaic. words, ‘the empty space at the center of it all’ is new to F/friends—but don’t worry, Friends, I won’t start worship-sharing about existential dread 

“Not just yet.”

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