Haddonfield Quarterly Meeting will be held this Sunday at 10 am at Newton and involves a presentation of the history of the meeting. The link if any friends want to attend virtually is here: Haddonfield Quarterly meeting at Newtown MeetingSunday, January 19Time zone: America/New_YorkGoogle Meet joining infoVideo call link: https://meet.google.com/kix-yiii-shw
Atlantic City Zoom Meeting
Hello, Friends—Our Zoom gathering on Monday will consist of 15 minutes to socialize, followed by worship sharing on the following topic: What do you hold sacred? How do you honor it? Worship sharing is half way between worship based on silence and general discussion. Join us and try it! Barbara Reynolds (formerly of our Meeting, […]
The 300th birthday of John Woolman!
The John Woolman Memorial of Mt. Holly, NJ, is pleased to announce the 300th birthday of John Woolman is on October 19, 2020 Unfortunately, due to the COVID pandemic, the John Woolman Memorial had to cancel its celebration and essay contest. However, people may still wish to consider the following topics related to the impact […]
RESOURCES FOR CHILDREN: Valiant Together: RE Support During COVID-19
Quaker religious educators are sharing ideas on a new Facebook group called Valiant Together: Sharing Quaker Religious Education Support and Resources During COVID-19, or Valiant Together RE Support During COVID-19 for short. For example, on April 4th, Philadelphia Yearly Meeting’s Youth Religious Life Coordinator, Melinda Wenner Bradley mentioned that Illustrated Ministries is offering free materials. […]