Trenton Monthly Meeting: Annual Peace Vigil and Support for the Community
The tradition of a New Year’s Eve Peace Vigil continued this year with about half of the 30 participants in the Meetinghouse and the other half joining by Zoom. The Peace Vigil is one of the Meeting’s events for Trenton’s Patriots Week (Dec 26-Dec 31) celebration. In counterpoint to the theme of most events, the Battle of Trenton following the Christmas Day crossing of the Delaware by General Washington’s troops, messages of hope, and of concern, for the advancement of a peaceful world were shared. The Princeton based Coalition for Peace Action was a co-sponsor again this year.
ALSO: Trenton Meeting’s Community Investment Committee continues support for impactful Trenton organizations. The committee recently made a challenge grant of $12,500 from the fund established by the Trenton Friends through a draw-down from our endowment a few years ago. Urban Promise Trenton, the recipient, has been developing resourceful and responsible youth through a number of programs for the past ten years. They succeeded in matching the grant, enabling them to purchase a 15-passenger van to address weekly transportation for the teens, and for trips such as a recent visit to the African American Museum of Philadelphia.
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