Tag: environment

Historic Golden Rule will be visiting the Philadelphia area

The historic Golden Rule will be visiting the Philadelphia area May 7-13, 2023.In 1958, a crew of anti-nuclear weapons activists including Haddonfield Meeting’s George Willoughby attempted to interpose themselves and the boat between the U.S. government and its atmospheric testing of nuclear weapons in the Marshall Islands in the Pacific Ocean.The Golden Rule was boarded twice […]

Quaker Advocacy: Peace, People, Planet

Saturday, October 17. 1 PM, Eastern Standard Time. Join Dianne Randall, from Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL) in Washington DC, and Andrew Lane from the Quaker Council for European Affairs (QCEA) for the fourth session of FWCC’s Quaker Conversations Series. Hosted by the Friends World Committee for Consultation, this session will explore Quaker Advocacy, including when Friends’ prophetic […]

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