Moving Forward Together in the Face of Climate Change

During Philadelphia Yearly Meeting’s Annual Sessions, Friends united to come under the weight of climate change and eco-justice as a Yearly Meeting Witness. The Climate Change Sprint Report was enthusiastically adopted, including specific action areas for all Friends to consider.  Now the work begins!

The Eco Justice Collaborative

invites you to join us on Zoom September 11, 2021, 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM to discern how we can move forward together.

Zoom Link: 
One tap mobile +19294362866,,4275729416# US (New York)

We invite you to share ahead of time two slides or a word document describing your meeting’s or quarter’s environmental work. Tell us about your current projects and the projects you wish you could do. Send SLIDES or WORD DOCUMENT to: Pat Finley

Then join us to discuss the most urgent issues, effective advocacy, joining the Climate Action Network (click here), and how we might implement the Monthly Meeting Playbook.

From the Epistle, PYM Annual Sessions 2021

We leave Annual Sessions with an awareness of the work ahead of us and a commitment to move forward with our transformation. This is when we begin to apply the lessons, use the resources, and uplift the members of our community who have identified themselves as ready to serve. We recommit ourselves to the necessary work to help build the beloved community as we embrace the discomfort of growth and transformation. We are more than just Philadelphia Yearly Meeting, we are family.  

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