Reparations: As Shared by Friends of Color
Shared by a Friend of Color: The Best Way to Build Community is Justice
People of color don’t need freedom, they need justice!
People of color have been denied justice for far too long!
The way how this modern world is built today, freedom is not possible at this time. It is actually built like a world prison.
The best way to build new communities is with a new paradigm shift of the promotion of a true system of justice for all.
This is the way white supremacy will be dismantled. Why?
Only because white supremacy is anti-justice, anti-correctness, anti-peace, anti-love, anti- friendship, anti-life, and anti-human being.
The local and global system of white supremacy is excellent for the creation of things, but not for sustaining human life, because it is anti-life.
White people need to see that a just world means a world based on justice.
It will be for the benefit for both white people and people of color, as a result will bring about balance between people, and the entire planet and all the living things therein and the universe itself.
People of color don’t need freedom, they need justice!
People of color have been denied justice for far too long!
The way how this modern world is built today, freedom is not possible at this time. It is actually built like a world prison.
We wouldn’t know what to do with freedom anyway, after being confined physically and mentally for so long……by the most powerful ideology known to people called the system of racism (white supremacy).
Replace the system of racism (white supremacy) with a true system of justice immediately!
“I am concerned about our tendency to look merely at
symptoms of violence, and not causes, and, thus, we never
gain a full understanding of the true scope of the violence we
wish to deal with.”
Dr. Harold D. Weaver, African-American Quaker author/scholar
Pendle Hill Pamphlet “Race, Systemic Violence, and Retrospective Justice”
“Perhaps the problem is not the question [about reparations]
itself, but rather the limits of my imagination. We must not
allow our failures of imagination to limit our calling. . .If faith
means anything, it must mean embracing truths beyond the
bounds of our imagination, or else it is not faith at all. “
Rev. Peter Jarrett-Schell, author “Reparations: a Plan for Churches”
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