Haddonfield Quarterly Meeting Guest: Marcelle Martin
Following the Motions of Love with Marcelle Martin
Sunday, October 25, 2020, 10 AM-12:30 PM – Online
Following worship, Marcelle Martin will guide us in an interactive exploration of how to support one another in discerning and following the leadings of the Spirit. We’ll take inspiration from the example of faithful Friend John Woolman. Our time online will include sharing in pairs and small groups.
Marcelle is a member of Swarthmore Meeting and former resident Quaker Studies teacher at Pendle Hill. She has traveled widely to give talks and lead retreats and workshops at Quaker Meetings, and is the author of Our Life is Love: The Quaker Spiritual Journey and A Guide to Faithfulness Groups.
Please pre-register. (There is a link to a video with Marcelle talking about spiritual faithfulness groups, at the bottom of the registration page.) Two days before the program, you will receive Zoom information on how to participate by computer or telephone.
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