Here are some links and some words from our favorite Librarian Friend - Rita Varley
Signs of Spirit rising——-
These links are to groups of people who are making serious headway toward the new level of consciousness we need to survive our present crazy world and to build a new one as this one crumbles. I have found great joy in the company of these people who are digging far deeper into the needed paradigm shift than most of us. For me it has been a thrilling adventure to be involved and I invite you to you check them out and join if you are led by Spirit. All of them reflect the thinking that emerges from the Christ consciousness, or our higher Self, or the inseparable oneness, or The Light, Spirit, Divine Luminous Wisdom (Sufi term), God, ….there are many names for it, but as we become more familiar with it, we can recognize its unmistakable presence by its fruits of deep inner peace, unconditional love, the light of Truth in the midst of chaos regardless of the superficial name attached.
Charles Eisenstein on the World on Fire to go with the forest book. (Closely involved with Quakers)
A link to Transition US for Ikela Lewis. (A lot of Quakers are in the Transition Movement)
And to O’s Body Earth Soul group. (O is a member of CPMM)
Session #1:
Session #2:
Session #3:
Link to Quaker blogs in library data base.
To get to a list of Quaker blogs in PYM Library’s online catalog, start with
--Click on “search the catalog” in black box
--Click on pale blue letters—Phila. Yearly Meeting Library
--Click on “Catalog”
--Type “Quaker blogs” in the search bar
--Click on “Subject”