Rancocas Friends Meeting

201 Main St, Rancocas, NJ 08073
May we interest you in a bit of peaceful solitude?
A quiet place where you can quiet your mind and heart?
We are the Rancocas Friends Meeting on Main Street in Rancocas Village.
We invite you to come simply for the quiet time we offer.
We don't preach, and there is no
program. Think of this as a time and place where you might reconnect. With your spiritual
being, with your body and soul, in silence.
You are welcome to come any Sunday at 11 AM.
Quakers have been meeting here since 1772, and before that at the Bridge Street burial grounds,
where we had a log Meeting House.

True silence is the rest of the mind; and is to the spirit, what sleep is to the body, nourishment
and refreshment.
~ William Penn, 1644-1718
Meeting Schedule:
- 10:00AM to 11:00PM (September 16–June 14) Meeting for worship.
- 11:00AM to 12:00PM     (June 15–September 15) Meeting for worship.
  Contact Information

Meeting Officers
Jean Jordan, Clerk
Joe Jordan, Secretary
Debby Smith, Treasurer