Mullica Hill Friends Meeting

2 Woodstown Rd, Mullica Hill, NJ 08062
We, the Friends of Mullica Hill Meeting, welcome you to our meeting for worship, Sunday School, and other activities.
You don’t have to be a Quaker to visit us. Some people visit because they are looking for a religious home, others simply want to find out what Quakers are really like. Often we are visited by people who are doing research on Quakers for a school assignment.
Everyone is welcome. We hope that you will find here, as we do, a source of help, strength, wisdom, and peace. We invite you to linger with us after worship and share a brief time of fellowship.
Meeting Schedule:
- 9:45AM to 10:45AM Meeting for Worship.
- 10:45AM to 11:15AM Snacks and Conversation
- 11:15AM to 12:15PM Meeting for Learning (Learn more here:)