FCNL Brave & Constant: Building the World We Seek
Join Quakers and friends this November for worship, learning, fellowship, and action. Our gathering will be based in Washington, D.C., and span the country. We hope you can be part of coming together with joy amidst the challenges we face, individually and collectively.
This fall, attendees at the Quaker Public Policy Institute (Nov. 16-20) will lobby Congress to pass the Environmental Justice for All Act (S. 872/H.R. 2021), which should serve as the foundation for any further permitting policy. Join us in November and urge your members of Congress to publicly support and pass this bill.
Register to join FCNL in-person or online. For more information visit FCNL’s event registration page here.
Keep updated on FCNL climate actions by subscribing to their Newsletter “Inside the Greenhouse.”
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